We only have what we give...

What We Do?

Angayarkanni Charitable trust Foundation is a Youth Platform and working on it's mission of "Empowering the Underprivileged". Angayarkanni Charitable trust Foundation core belief is that only empowered citizen can drive a positive change in the society. Angayarkanni Charitable trust Through it's various initiatives and partnerships working on to improve situation of underprivileged sections and building a society better place for living of future generation.
Children's Upliftment

Children are the rocks on which society's future will be built,they are our greatest asset as a nation and the leaders of tomorrow. Angayarkanni Charitable trust believes Every child in the world is entitled to get good health, quality education and a clean environment to grow.

Youth Empowerment

Youth being the backbone of society, Angayarkanni Charitable trust believes that youth have a major role to play in bringing social upliftment, financial progress and prosperity in the society. Empowering the youth is essential for the development of the society as well as for the growth of an individual.

CSR Partnerships

Angayarkanni Charitable trust foundation’s strength lies in its Human Resource who are enriched with vast experience of implementing village to national level development programs in diverse sectors.